LYF F10Q Flash File Stock Firmware (Updated)

Download Oficial LYF F10Q Flash File Stock Firmware ROM with Flash Tool (qcMUP Tool). also, You Can use this Flash File for Miracle Box or any Chinese Flash Box.
How To Flash LYF F10Q Stock Firmware ROM
Step 1: Download and extract LYF F10Q Zip on your PC.
Step 2: Install the LYF F10Q USB Driver, Setup.exe file from QUD.WIN.1.1.Installer-10040.5 folder to install the driver.
Step 3: Open qcMUP.exe file from the folder “Tool_F10Q”
Step 4: On executing the qcMUP.exe file the tool will open & will look like Below.
Step 5: click on Upgrade & select Load SW option. and Browse the Software file location
Step 6: Switch off LYF F10Q put the phone in Download mode by pressing the UP-DPAD key & Power On key simultaneously.
Step 7: Now connect the USB data cable to the phone to start the Flashing process Automatically.
Step 8: On successful completion of Flashing the progress bar will turn green & PASS and time will be displayed.