LYF F50Y Flash File Stock Firmware ROM
Download Oficial LYF F50Y Flash File Stock Firmware ROM with Flash Tool (Huiye Download Tool). also, You Can use this Flash File for Miracle Box.
How To Flash LYF F50Y Stock Firmware ROM
Step 1: Download and extract LYF F50Y Flash File Stock Firmware on your PC.
Step 2: Install the LYF F50Y USB Driver.
Step 3: “Launch Huiye Download Tool for Reliance” is enabled the tool will
open automatically after installation.
Step 4: Click on the Select tab to select the software file.
Step 5: Click on the Software folder.
Step 6: On selecting the Software folder, six files with .bin extension can be seen.
Select anyone file from these six files. Here we are selecting “gpt_backup0.bin” file.
Step 7: Displays the Software Folder Path.
Step 8: Connect the Phone to the System. If the phone is detected in the tool, Download Tab will be highlighted.
Click on the Download Tab to start the software upgrade process.
Step 9: During the software upgrade process, the timer will move incremental way as marked in the above picture.
Step 10: On successful completion of the Software Upgrade process, the tool will display a PASS message &
the tool will turn Green